Thursday, September 20, 2007

Will Bush Attack Iran?

There's a meaty discussion today on Salon, by Steven Clemons, positing the case that the price is just too high. Clemons believes Bush wouldn't be seeking more engagement with Iran if he were fixed on the "bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iran" course that that nutcase McCain thought so amusing.

I will be the first to say that I don't have a clue.

However, whereas Clemons thinks that bombing Iran would result in a lock on Middle Eastern oil by Russia and China (I don't follow that, quite), Bush may think that bombing Iran would result in a lock on Middle Eastern oil by the USA.

What I think, right this minute, and I could and probably will change my mind as time passes, is that the biggest obstacle in Bush's trigger-happy little way is the weakness of the US dollar and China's debt-grip on our short hairs. All the Saudis have to do is stop shoring up the dollar, and all China has to do is call in the debt.

That happens? We're done.

Well, and of course there's the assumption that the US is now peppered with terrorist pods waiting to fillet us like bass. Bush would be afraid of that. If they came out to play, it would make him look bad.

Is this what happens when we put a C- student, a frat-boy sociopath, a man terminally afflicted with LDS, in the White House? Ya think?

I'm going out to weed the yard. Meanwhile, I wish someone would drain Washington of all its testosterone (and that includes you, Condi).