Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Will It Be Our Generation That Lets Go The Promise of America?

People say, "I don't think we're quite there yet," meaning that there's no real need for alarm until we are there, I guess.

Isn't that how Nazi Germany happened? Wasn't it the tiny, incremental steps that everyone decided to overlook for now? Wasn't it the encroachments on integrity, justice, freedom, compassion, accuracy of information, constitutional principles, separations of powers, privacy, human rights -- wasn't it just this, in the name of national security, that established their opposites in the form of Nazism?

Well, I don't think this accommodation makes any sense at all. Clearly, if we don't snip every bud off the Nazi plant, and every branch, and every root, it will have us, too.

And then we can say that it was our generation that let go of the promise of America.

I don't intend to do that. I'd rather be called hysterical, and over-reacting, and a bit over the top, and a liberal whiner, or anything else than allow them even one more goddamned inch.