Saturday, August 25, 2007

Latest in Republican Christians' Edify America Campaign. . .

First reported by Gun Guys--not what you think--clean talker, NRA board member, Bush hugger and ranch neighbor, Perry pal, youth camp operator, sexual moralist, and farm-raised "wildlife" hunter Ted Nugent--he who touts (his words) the "live and let live" philosophy of the US far Right--is caught on video flapping two machine guns and threatening to kill Obama and Hillary.

In a performance that surely will show all youth the respect he has for women and inspire us to walk the path that Jesus trod, "Rev. Ted" is shown saying:

Obama, he’s a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary,' he continued. 'You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch.' Nugent summed up his eloquent speech by screaming 'freedom!'

Hallelujah, honey! Break out the hymn books and fall on your knees. I'm sure by the time we're done singing, the US Secret Service will have arrested him and the RNC will have returned his contributions. Yeah right.

This from the same "Rev. Ted" who--invited performer--wore a Confederate T-shirt and hurled insults at immigrants and "hippies" at the Gov. Goodhair inauguration.

Gun Guys, a pro-gun control, anti-gun violence project of Freedom States Alliance (worth a visit), is calling on the NRA to remove Nugent from its board and apologize.

Be sure to set your RSS feeds for when that happens.