Monday, August 18, 2008

Call it Cynical, But Call it Smart

Ran across this little pop-tart on Hullaballoo, along with a sophisticated analysis of US news viewers. Digby wrote:

"Here's James Moore talking about Karl Rove a few years back: 'He once told a consultant that we interviewed for 'Bush's Brain' that you should run every political campaign as though people are watching television with the sound turned down. And toward that end, you rely heavily on imagery and not very much on substance, knowing that if the President is photographed in a school of minority and ethnic children, and is interested in their future in that particular photo op, that people will trust that image. And they don't go beyond that image to look at his policy, which is signing the 'Leave No Child Behind Act' in a big, high-profile moment with Senator Ted Kennedy, and then gutting the heart out of that bill with the funding that he offers up for it."[Emphasis added.]

Wull, djes, we should.

I'll go even further. We should run every political campaign as though people understand only words of one syllable and couldn't find NYC on a map without Mapquest and a GPS.

Could somebody tell that to Obama?

Folks on the Left are operating in a time warp, a giant, persistent anachronism. We haven't transitioned to the 21st Century.

The notion that the "youth vote" equates to the future of American politics is about to be put to the test in a big way. The choices are: (a) it's correct; and (b) not hardly.

At the moment, I'm going for (b), on the basis of the BS about the cross in the dirt and the percent of Americans who still believe that Saddam had WMD, not to mention the decline of US newspapers and the number of people who think Grand Canyon was created in 6 days.

The anachronism? It's related. We think the majority of voters still read, think, and care. They know better.

Now, do we engage the voters where they live? If we do, is that cynical and exploitative, or is it smart, effective, and fair enough in the circumstances?

Short term, it's smart, effective, and fair enough.

But for how long do we communicate at the "See Dick Run" level (and I do mean "Dick")? And exactly how and when do we grow the public discourse to the next level, which I guess is "High School Musical"?

Dunno. Your turn.